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Get help to regulate your emotional difficulties


Get help to regulate emotions related to your psychosomatic or behavioural difficulty


Get help to regulate your emotional difficulties


Get help to regulate your emotional difficulties

To break through emotional difficulties that arise in daily life, go to our directory and book a session with one of our certified professionals working in several languages. Each session lasts approximately 30 minutes and all of these sessions can be done by phone or online (Skype, Zoom, etc.).

The aim of these sessions is to fully break-through past the emotion that was inhibiting your life. In some cases, you may need a second session. It is important to stay quiet after a session so that you can process it all.

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Get help to regulate emotions related to your psychosomatic or behavioural difficulty


Get help to regulate emotions related to your psychosomatic or behavioural difficulty

Even though your emotions may not always be the source of physical or behavioural disorders, they may aggravate the symptoms. So, as part of our work at Tipi Association, we have ensured that certain qualified professionals are also trained to make the connection between your emotions and physical and behavioral disorders and help you regulate these emotions.

What kind of conditions can you get help for?

Psychosomatic reactions
Our emotions cause biological stress. This stress, if it is intense or repetitive, attacks the most vulnerable parts of our body. Under these conditions, the body will deteriorate for as long as the emotion persists. To help our body repair itself, we need to regulate the emotional stress.

Here are just some of the psychosomatic disorders that emotional regulation can improve:

  • pain (headaches, migraines, aches, back pain, stomach pain, slow post-injury recovery,  fibromyalgia etc.)
  • skin conditions (acne, eczema, psoriasis, herpes, stye, hives, fungal infections, mouth ulcers, vitiligo, etc.)
  • allergic disorders (food, pollen, perfume, dust, cats, etc.)
  • chronic fatigue
  • sleep disorders and insomnia
  • attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity
  • weight disorders
  • menstrual disorders (painful periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual irregularities, etc.)
  • sexual disorders
  • reproductive disorders
  • visual impairment
  • chronic diseases (asthma, bronchitis, angina, cystitis, etc.)
  • blood pressure disorders (hypotension or hypertension)
  • digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.)

Recurring and stereotyped behaviours

So as not to suffer from emotional disorders we instinctively substitute them with other behaviours – addictions, compulsive reactions, controlling behaviour, avoidance – and all of these instantaneously bypass the painful emotions.

We can neutralise these substitution behaviours by identifying the emotional impulses that they seek to bypass and regulate these emotions. Once the emotions are regulated, the substitution behaviour no longer arises.

  • addictions (alcohol, cigarettes, social media, compulsively checking phones, video games, binge watching tv programmes, sugar, work, extreme sports, etc.)
  • obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • stuttering
  • repetitive and stereotyped behaviours (constantly looking at yourself in the mirror, twisting your hair, always tidying your things in the same place, constantly looking at the time, making lists, etc.)
  • eating disorders
  • repeated panic attacks
  • hypochondria
  • procrastination
  • hoarding
  • sleeping disorders
  • amnesia and recurring forgetfulness
  • learning difficulties (dyspraxia, dyslexia, etc.)

To find the professional you need you can search through our directory below

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